
Museveni launches Uganda trade hub in Serbia

Museveni launches Uganda trade hub in Serbia

President Museveni yesterday officially opened Uganda Trade Hub known as Uganda Connect in Serbia\'s capital of Belgrade. The hub is aimed at strengthening the bilateral relations between Uganda and Serbia and paving the way for the country\'s go


"I officially opened the Uganda Trade Hub (Uganda Connect) in the city of Belgrade. I am happy because this hub further strengthens our bilateral relations and paves a way for Uganda’s products into the Balkan region, especially our processed coffee," the tweet read.

It further read: "There's some amount of coffee drinking in Serbia and in this part of the world, so we want to promote our coffee to come here processed. Thankfully, Serbia has agreed to buy our processed coffee. I also want to thank the Presidential Advisory Committee on Exports and Industrial Development (PACEID) and other stakeholders for enabling Uganda to achieve this milestone of promoting its agricultural products around the world. This milestone can also help us spread our wings to other parts of the world."

The President also revealed that the two countries (Uganda and Serbia) signed two memoranda of understanding in the areas of economic development and agriculture.

"My host and I witnessed the signing of two memoranda of understanding in the areas of Economic Development and Agriculture. We also had a Serbia-Uganda business meeting with several business owners from both countries. I call upon the Serbians to work with us to add value to our agricultural raw materials like Coffee, tea, and Cocoa, among others. Africans have many problems because they do not get true value from her products. We lose a lot of money because we don’t add value to these products," he revealed.