
UK\'s sanctions Speaker Among and ex-ministers over alleged Corruption

Uganda Parliament Speaker and ex Ministers Sanctioned by UK.


The United Kingdom has sanctioned Ugandas speaker of parliament, Anita Among, along with former ministers.

The sanctions include freezing of their assets within the UK, travel bans preventing their entry into the country, and restrictions that prohibit UK citizens and businesses from dealing with them.

Sanctioned alongside Among is the former minister of Karamoja Affairs Mary Grace Kitutu and her former NTV journalist and Kitutus former junior minister Agnes Nandutu.

The UK says the sanctions are in response to the trio\'s alleged involvement in corruption and misappropriation of funds and items particularly iron sheets intended for vulnerable communities in Karamoja, northern Uganda. 

The UK government has stated, These sanctions target individuals who have enriched themselves at the expense of the Ugandan public and failed to uphold the standards of transparency and accountability expected of public officials.

The implications of these sanctions are far-reaching. The affected individuals will lose access to any financial assets they have in the UK, face restrictions in conducting business with UK entities, and cannot travel to the UK. These measures aim to pressure them to adopt more transparent and responsible practices.

This action is part of a broader initiative by the UK to promote international transparency and combat corruption, particularly in regions where it most affects the poor and vulnerable. It sends a strong message that corrupt practices will have tangible consequences on the global stage.

Chris Obore, parliament\'s director of communications and public affairs however said the purported sanctions are premised on false accusations because Among has never been charged with corruption in any courts of law.

The iron sheets have been used as a ruse to conceal the real, unstated but clearly obvious reason for the sanctions - which is the Rt Hon. speaker\'s stance on the recently enacted Anti-Homo sexualitys Act, he said in a statement.